The Peña de Francia Rock Lizard has a serious problem: As a mountain lizard, it lives on a mountain range, which isn't really high (The Peña de Francia rises to 1700 m). If it's cold and cloudy up there, the lizards wont be out, of course. But if the sun shines, it will quickly get too warm for these mountain dwellers, so they wont leave their hideouts neither. In consequence, they have to live quite secretive - and will presumably further suffer from climate warming.
In consequence, Iberolacerta martinezricai is regarded as one of Europe's rarest species (But due to their secretive behavior, no one actually knows how many indivividuals do exist).
Males of this species can show beautiful green colours - similar to Iberolacerta monticola and Iberolacerta galani.
Within its distribution area, this species co-occurs with Podarcis guadarramae. In females and juveniles of Iberolacerta martinezricai, the characteristic alternately broad and narrow tail segments can help for identification. Furthermore, Iberolacerta martinezricai shows blue ocelli which already are apparent in juveniles.
In its habitat, also Timon lepidus and Lacerta schreiberi can be found. However, these species can hardly be confused with Iberolacerta martinezricai.