The Catalonian Wall Lizard is a quite adaptable, well climbing species which can be found in various habitats and even frequently within human settlements. Although being a (sub-)Mediterranean species, it is able to inhabit mountain habitats with cold winters up to 2000 m altitude (Pyrenees, Sistema Ibérico, Sistema Bético).
Being such a "generalist", its distribution ranges from the French Rhône-Valley in the north to the Spanish Sierra Nevada in the south. It shows a great variability which has led to the description of several subspecies:
With regard to this, some intra-specific taxonomic revision might be required.
In north of the range, Podarcis liolepis has contact zones with Podarcis guadarramae. This species lacks of blue outer ventral scales which frequently occur in males of Podarcis liolepis. Podarcis liolepis may also co-occur with Podarcis muralis (e.g. Penyagolosa, E / Castellón) but it is smaller, more slender und usually shows a lighter colouration than the latter one.
In the southern part of the range, two morphs can be found:
In its southern range, Podarcis liolepis has contact zones with the following species: