Timon nevadensis

Timon nevadensis
Female: E / Sierra Espuña, 18.09.2018 - Adults frequently show blue ocelli on the flanks.

Formerly, Timon nevadensis had been regarded as subspecies of Timon lepidus but it has been put into species rank in 2013. Its distribution range is limited to the Sierra Nevada and the Spanish east coast, reaching the Alicante Province in the north.

The Sierra Nevada Ocellated Lizard is an impressive but terribly shy Lacertid. In particular, adult specimens may have flight distances of more than 20 meters. These lizards occur in high altitude mountain areas as well as in coastal dunes and agricultural land.


Adult specimens differ from Timon lepidus by the grey or brown basic coloration with no or reduced black markings.

Juveniles and subadults of Timon nevadensis frequently show dark edges on the labial scales which lack in juvenile Timon lepidus. However, there seem to exist populations with intermediate characteristics.


Within its distribution range, Timon nevadensis cannot be confused with other lizards, due to its big size of adults and the distinct white spot pattern of the juveniles.

Timon nevadensis
The distribution range of Timon nevadensis is limited to south-eastern Spain.

Timon nevadensis
Female: E / Sierra Espuña (Murcia), 10.09.2017 - Note the absence of black reticulation on back and flanks.
Timon nevadensis
Juvenile: E / Sierra Espuña, 18.09.2018 - Note the dark edges of the labials.
Timon nevadensis
Subadult: E / Bolulla (Alicante), 22.12.2012 - In coastal areas, these lizards may be active during the whole year.
Timon nevadensis
Mountain habitat of Timon nevadensis, Podarcis liolepis, Podarcis hispanicus and Psammodromus algirus in the peak area of Sierra Espuña / Los Pozos de la Nieve (Murcia).